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Fees for crematorium services

The following are the fees and charges for services at the crematorium.

Cremation fees

Cremation fees are VAT-exempt

Type of cremation Cost
Adult (aged 18 years and over) 45 minute service (10am to 4:15pm) £942
Adult (aged 18 years and over) 30 minute service (9am to 9:45am) £889
Adult (aged 18 years and over) Direct Cremation (8am to 8:45am) £435
Child (aged 17 years and under ) No charge
Cremation of human tissue £32

Other charges:

Cremation Certificate (for Customs purposes) No charge
Dispersal of cremated remains from another Crematorium £68
Dispersal of cremated remains from another Crematorium - children up to 5 years No Charge
Temporary storage of cremated remains No Charge
Use of Chapel for Memorial Service £186
Double time slot (where the family request more time in the chapel) - additional charge £186
Sale of transit container, for private purposes £19
Genealogical Search £69

Media charges

Live+ 28-day watch again £59
Halo photograph No charge
Extra single photo £11
Basic slideshow (up to 25 photographs that can be set to loop - no music) £53
Music slideshow (up to 25 photographs timed to music with fade transitions) £80
Additional 25 photographs on slideshow £24
Family supplied video or photo tribute with basic quality checks £33
Video memory book £130
Video memory book additional copies  £54
Memory box £141
Memory box additional copies £76
Keepsake copy of service or tribute on DVD, Blu-Ray or USB £60
Additional keepsake copies on DVD, Blu-Ray or USB £33
Downloadable copy of tribute £11
Extra Work Charge - a fee that is applied to any of the standard products for additional work outside of the norm £24

Book of Remembrance

Book of Remembrance prices include 20% VAT

Inscription type

Book of Remembrance

Memorial or folded card Miniature book Addition to miniature book
2 lines £78 £63 £78 £63
5 lines £158 £107 £158 £107
5 lines plus flower £229 £178 £229 £178
5 lines plus badge £248 £197 £248 £197
8 lines £193 £142 £193 £142
8 lines plus flower £264 £213 £264 £213
8 lines plus badge £283 £232 £283 £232

Memorial plaque

Memorial plaque prices are VAT-exempt

Inscription type 10 year lease 20 year lease 10 year renewal Replacement plaque
4 lines £402 £678 £276 £126
4 lines plus motif £433 £709 £276 £157
4 lines plus ceramic photo £526 £802 £276 £250
6 lines £433 £709 £276 £157
6 lines plus motif £464 £740 £276 £188
6 lines plus ceramic photo £557 £833 £276 £281