Welcome to Royal Borough of Greenwich Registration Services. Get a copy of a certificate Register a birth Getting married in Royal Greenwich Register Office charges Births Register a birthNaming ceremoniesGet a copy of a birth certificateRecords of birthsRegister office chargesRe-register a birth View all in Births Deaths Register a deathGet a copy of a death certificateArrange a burialApply for a memorial permitEltham CrematoriumGrave, burial and memorial costsRegister a still-birth or neonatal death View all in Deaths Marriages and civil partnerships Get married in Royal GreenwichCivil partnership ceremoniesConvert a civil partnership to marriageGive notice of your marriage or civil partnershipGet a copy of a marriage or civil partnership certificateRegister office charges View all in Marriages and civil partnerships British citizenship Apply for British citizenshipEuropean passport return serviceRegister for a British citizenship ceremony View all in Citizenship