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Theme / Empowering Wider Change

Planting in Abbey Wood

School children help plant new saplings in Abbey Wood

The Council is developing partnerships and empowering our communities to develop new projects, initiatives and actions that reduce carbon emissions. Our communities include businesses, council staff and education providers, and voluntary organisations as well as residents.    

There are more than 11,000 businesses in the borough, mostly made up of micro-businesses employing below 10 people. Around 2,000 enterprises are engaged in construction-related activities which account for approximately 3% of emissions from the borough. 

Progress so far:

As part of the public consultation on the draft Carbon Neutral Plan, we have begun development of: 

  • a partnership of local organisations on tackling climate change. The intention is that partnership members will inspire each other and develop more collaborative working on emission reduction 
  • our Climate Emergency Network, made up of residents with an expressed interest in tackling climate change
  • using feedback from our Greenwich Young Commissioners and involving young people in future activity through the Council’s Children’s Services department
  • the Royal Borough of Greenwich Pension Fund has committing £42.5m to the London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV) Renewable Infrastructure Fund, of which it was a seed investor to help develop the fund. This investment includes wind and solar assets
  • engaging with organisations and community groups to promote sustainable food and reduction in food waste through the Good Food in Greenwich network.