Empowering Wider Change

School children help plant new saplings in Abbey Wood
Most of our Empowering Wider Change actions are focused on reducing borough emissions through community capacity building.
The borough is home to over 11,000 businesses, the majority of which are microbusinesses with fewer than 10 employees. 3% of borough emissions comes from about 2000 companies which are engaged in construction related activities.
However, we continue to recognise areas where our decisions can cut carbon emissions, such as procurement processes and pension investments.
As a result, the Council is forming partnerships and empowering our communities to create new projects, ideas, and actions that will cut carbon emissions. Residents, businesses, council staff, educators, and volunteers make up our communities.
Although fewer tangible carbon reductions can be assessed using this theme, it is an extremely potent tool for making communities and individuals feel empowered by taking climate action.
Where possible, we make estimations on carbon reduction figures and take a conservative approach so as not to overestimate our success.
Our actions
We will ensure there are robust governance processes around the performance management and overall delivery of the CNP.
We have committed to empowering our communities and aspire to build capacity in the green skills sector through engagement and training programmes.
We are also committed to improving how RBG does business by engaging with our suppliers to operate more sustainably through our procurement practices.
Progress so far
As part of the public consultation on the draft Carbon Neutral Plan, we have:
developed a partnership of local organisations focused on tackling climate change, where members can inspire and collaborate to reduce emissions
expanded our Climate Emergency Network, consisting of residents committed to addressing climate change
incorporated feedback from Greenwich Young Commissioners and involving young people in future activities through the Council’s Children’s Services department
committed £42.5m from the Royal Borough of Greenwich Pension Fund to the LCIV Renewable Infrastructure Fund, which supports wind and solar projects
collaborated with organisations and community groups to promote sustainable food practices and reduce food waste through the Good Food in Greenwich network
Read the full Action Plan for Empowering Wider Change for more details of the specific actions we’re taking.