How we're delivering this plan
The Carbon Neutral Plan is our strategic plan for responding to the Climate Emergency and sets out what we intend to do on our journey to become carbon neutral by 2030.
The challenge
We have measured the borough’s direct carbon emissions from energy use within the borough. We also recognise that Royal Greenwich’s true carbon footprint includes the carbon emissions from eating food and using other resources which are sourced, manufactured and transported outside of the borough.
The Carbon Neutral Plan was written using an evidence base report presented to Council in 2020 and formally adopted by the council.
This Plan sets out currently-planned actions to reduce emissions and to build local capacity to do more in the future. It will be periodically updated as we learn from experience and new opportunities arise.
We will continue to follow developments in the national and international response to climate change, including policy changes and funding opportunities.
We will monitor advances in technology, social and economic changes and strengthen our partnerships in order to update and improve our response to the Climate Emergency.
Putting the Plan into action
We need to stay commited to reducing emissions through how we use energy at home and at work, how we travel, what we buy and the waste we create.
The Council will continue to:
- drive down the emissions of our own operations
- work with people and businesses to adopt sustanable practices
- monitor and report on the Plan's implementation
The 7 key themes
Our strategy to reducing emissions in Royal Greenwich revolve around 7 key themes. The current actions under each theme are summarised together in our Action Plan.
Existing buildings, homes and businesses are the single biggest source of emissions in Royal Greenwich. We need to constantly improve the energy efficiency and resilience of buildings. Building the skills and jobs required to do this will also strengthen our local economy.
New development
New buildings will be a big part of the future Royal Greenwich. New development and the infrastructure that supports it must minimise or eliminate emissions and support achievement of carbon neutrality.
Transport is the second biggest source of emissions in Royal Greenwich, after buildings. We need to reduce the need to travel and make public transport, walking, and cycling the first choice and support the roll-out of ultra-low emission vehicles.
Energy supply
This is about how our energy is generated, distributed, and used. We need to source more from clean, renewable sources and help build businesses that create local renewable energy capacity and support our local economy.
Circular economy
We need to buy less, throw less away, reuse more and recycle more to reduce the carbon arising from our consumption and our waste. Someone’s unavoidable waste material can be someone else’s resource.
Natural environment
Our green spaces need to be protected and enhanced to make Royal Greenwich more resilient to climate change and support carbon neutral living.
Empowering wider change
Inspiring and enabling others to achieve more.