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Theme / Transport

A family cycle lesson

Transport generated 31% of the borough’s total emissions in 2019. Almost all these transport emissions (95%) come from vehicles on our roads such as cars, vans and trucks. If we do nothing, transport emissions will go down by even less than 10% by 2030.

The council owns and operates a fleet of around 600 vehicles, responsible for 1.5% of the total emissions from road transport in the borough. 

Reducing transport emissions requires a combination of: 

  • using more public transport and encouraging more walking and cycling 
  • faster uptake of zero emissions vehicles  
  • more efficient freight activity. 

Progress so far 

The Council’s third Local Implementation Plan for Transport sets out its transport plans and describes key achievements to date across transport issues Royal Greenwich faces. These include: 

  • a range of highway improvements to increase the attractiveness public transport, walking and cycling 
  • exploring electric vehicle car club pilot schemes and developing more electric vehicle charging points
  • the Council has also made progress in converting its own fleet to Zero Emissions Vehicles. As of August 2021, the Council’s fleet contains 30 electric vans and 25 electric charge points have been installed at its main operating depot for more electrification.