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Apply for a premises licence

This page is about what a premises licence is, when you need to apply for one and how to apply for one.

When you need a premises licence

You need a premises licence for any premises or site offering licensable activities. Examples of licensable activities are:

The types of places that may need a premises licence include pubs, clubs, restaurants and take-away outlets.

Read the premises guidance on specific topics for more information

How to get a premises licence

You need to download and complete a form to apply for a premises licence.

Download a premises licence application form (Gov.UK)

Upload the following documents with your form:

  • a plan of the premises - to a scale of at least 1:100 unless agreed with us otherwise
  • a consent form signed by the designated premises supervisor (DPS) - required for the sale of alcohol
  • proof of entitlement to work in the UK - see the list of documents that are accepted

You also need to pay a licence application fee - see the licence fees table.

You can submit the form and pay the licence application fee electronically.

Licence fees

Premises licence application fee schedule
Rateable value Band Application fee
No rateable value to £4,300 A £100
£4,300 to £33,000 B £190
£33,001 to £87,000 C £315
£87,001 to £125,000 D £450
£125,001 and above E £635

Note: If the premises isn't yet rated, the fee will default to band C. Some premises may also be exempt from paying an application fee.

Advertising the application

Once you've submitted your application, you must both:

  • display a blue notice at the premises for 28 days
  • place an advertisement in a local newspaper within the first 10 working days of the submission date.

The Council recommends the following newspaper for this purpose: 

  • Greenwich Weekender (published weekly) advertising 020 7231 5258 

If you use the Mercury or News Shopper, ensure the advert is placed in the edition that covers Royal Greenwich – you will not fulfil the public notice requirement if this is not the case. 

Read more guidance on advertising a premises licence application. There are also templates for blue notices.

You must send a copy of the published advertisement to the licensing team at the Woolwich Centre.

What happens next

There'll be a consultation period for 28 days from the date you submitted the application during which responsible authorities and other people (for example, local residents or businesses) can object.

If there aren't any objections, the licence will be granted.

If there are objections, the Licensing Sub-Committee will consider the application at a public hearing.

Licence conditions - alcohol sales

You must have a DPS to sell alcohol under a premises licence and the DPS must have a personal licence.

You must make sure that each sale of alcohol is made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.

Renew your licence

Once you get a licence, it's valid for as long as the business exists although you have to pay an annual continuation fee.

Like the application fee, the annual fee is linked to the rateable value of the premises. When the rateable value of the premises changes, we'll adjust the annual fee accordingly.

You'll be sent an invoice for your annual fee when it becomes due. Failure to pay the annual fee will result in the premises licence being suspended