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A step-by-step guide to what happens when you make a planning application.

1.    Find out if you need planning permission

You will need to establish whether planning permission is required.

Find out if you need planning permission

2.    Duty Planner and pre-application advice

We encourage all applicants to discuss proposals before submitting a planning application.

Duty Planner and pre-application service

3.    Local information requirements list

Find what you need to include with your planning application.

Local information requirements list

4.    Application Fee

Work out what the application fee is.

Planning Portal fee calculator

5.    Submit your application 

Apply for planning permission on the Planning Portal

Before submitting, you may want to see more information about how to submit an application.

6.    Validating your application

We will validate and acknowledge the planning application.

Planning validation requirements

7.    Consultation and notification

When we receive an application, we usually need to give members of the public an opportunity to comment on the development proposal.

Planning consultation and notification 

8.    Site visit and assessment

For most applications, the case officer visits the site and makes a recommendation.

Site visit and assessment

9.    Decision 

A decision is made under delegated powers or the application is referred to the Planning Board or one of the Area Planning Committees. There may be conditions attached to the decision. We aim to determine planning applications within eight weeks for minor applications and within 13 weeks for major applications.

Planning decisions

10.    Appeals

You can make a planning appeal if your planning application has been refused, you did not receive a decision within the statutory time-frame, or your application was approved and you are not happy with the planning conditions.

Planning appeals