What can I do?
What can I do?
We all have a responsibility to help improve air quality, and there are lots of things that you can do to make a difference.
For many people, walking is rarely considered as a travel option, yet it is a cheap, healthy, flexible and realistic travel choice for short journeys. Walking is most suitable for journeys under two miles and can be combined with other methods, such as public transport to cover longer distances.
Leave the car at home
Road transport is a primary contributor to poor air quality. To help reduce the amount of pollution we create from using our cars:
- Turn your car engine off when at a stand still. Idling creates a lot of pollution and turning your engine off and on is absolutely fine for your car. Not only will this help cut pollution but it will also help save fuel.
Sign up to a car sharing scheme. The major proportion of cars going to work contain the driver only. In many cases it would be possible for people travelling to the same destination to car share - reducing pollution and saving money. See if your workplace has any car sharing programmes or even see if there are any other drivers near you looking to car share.
Create a car pool with other parents if you need to take kids to school by car. You could pick up each other’s kids on different days which could free up more time for yourself as well as helping reduce air pollution.
Use public transport or cycle
Using buses and trains helps reduce the number of vehicles on the road. This helps reduce congestion and improves traffic movement and therefore air quality.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich also offers E-Z Cycle Bike Loans for all borough residents. They’re a great way to return to cycling if you haven’t cycled for a while, or if you have health conditions that make riding a regular bike tricky.
Improve energy efficiency in your home
Emissions from household boilers are a key contributor to poor air quality. By making your home more energy efficient, you can not only reduce these emissions, but save money too. The Royal Borough of Greenwich offer free advice on energy efficiency and heating costs to all borough residents.
Avoid bonfires
Bonfires contribute to pollution levels in the borough, are harmful to health and can worsen existing conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
We collect food and garden waste from your green-top bin or corn starch sack (depending on your property type). The material is delivered to an in-vessel composting (IVC) facility in Dagenham, Essex, where it's turned into compost. You can also take garden waste to the Nathan Way Reuse and Recycling Centre.
If you must have a bonfire you:
- must burn dry garden waste only
- must not cause a nuisance to neighbouring premises
- must not burn fresh, green plant material
- must not burn any building materials, plastic, tyres or general rubbish.