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Action plan

The actions outlined in this action plan are approved. By themselves, they will not be enough to achieve carbon neutrality. Additional funding resources will be required, as outlined in Implementation under Finance.

The action plan will be updated as new opportunities are identified and our monitoring reports will evaluate the gap between our progress and carbon neutral trajectories – which will inform future evolution of the plan. Read an outline of our Governance arrangements.

  • Category of building Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Council housing Establish a clear baseline to better understand and manage energy and emissions from council housing stock Is the baseline and monitoring process established? Baseline established; monitoring process established. Dec-21
    Council housing Undertake deep/whole block energy efficiency retrofit for Council housing (including building fabric, energy supply and controls) Energy demand and carbon emissions of retrofitted homes Deliver two whole block retrofit pilots Dec-24
    Council housing De-carbonise energy systems for Council housing Number of low carbon heating schemes achieved, removing fossil fuels Deliver five low carbon heating schemes Mar-22
    Council housing Support council tenants to reduce emissions and tackle fuel poverty Number of homes provided with energy awareness advice Energy awareness support and assessment provided to 30% of council tenants Dec-23
    Private sector housing Promote home energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation in private housing sector (rented and owner-occupier), (including building fabric, energy supply and controls) Number of homes improved

    Estimate of annual carbon saving
    1000+ 2024
    Private sector housing Target low income households in promoting home energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation in private housing sector (rented and owner-occupier), (including building fabric, energy supply and controls) Number of 'low income homes' improved

    Estimate of annual carbon saving - formula-linked to scheme details
    300+ homes 2023
    Council buildings - non-domestic Produce Heat Decarbonisation Plan for Council's corporate estate to guide future investment Stage of development of heat decarbonisation plan Heat decarbonisation plan produced and agreed Winter 21
    Council buildings - non-domestic Identify and deliver pilot projects for energy efficiency retro-fit works to programme of 10 schools and 8 corporate buildings through Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund Installation of proposed energy and carbon saving technologies Completion 30-Mar-22
    Council buildings - non-domestic Use data collected in 2 actions above to create programme of works to optimise carbon reduction Stage of development of the plan Programme produced and agreed Winter 21
    Council buildings - Non-domestic Gather accurate energy usage data across the portfolio and analyse to identify priority high energy use buildings Data being gathered via Heat Decarbonisation Plan Review when Heat Decarbonisation Plans complete Winter 21
    Council buildings - non-domestic Create carbon reduction policy for lifecycle replacement of equipment to reduce carbon of corporate estate, including alignment to tenancy occupation and tenant obligations Draft policy created Policy agreed Spring 22
  • Category of new development Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Council housing Ensure Council new build housing projects are carbon neutral where possible % average carbon reduction of new build homes, beyond Building Regulations standard 90% Ongoing
    All Strengthen Local Plan to deliver zero carbon development: Adopt tiered carbon off-set price via SPD Officer appointed, then new target-66946849-4s to follow Policy agreed Autumn 2022
    All Produce Carbon SPD and scope/evaluate options for Local Plan review Qualitative description of progress

    SPD produced, aligned to Carbon Neutral Plan.


    Scoping activity complete, for new Local Plan to address 'carbon neutral agenda'

    Autumn 2022
    All Increase planning officer understanding to negotiate higher standards Identify and deliver training sessions Training to be undertaken by appointed officer Autumn 2022
    All Manage the planning dimensions of District Heat Network Development Qualitative description of progress Integrated planning considerations arising from heat network feasibility report into planning documentation for relevant districts. Spring 2022
    Streetlighting Replace 19,000 inefficient streetlights with LED lighting Number of streetlights replaced 19,000 streetlights replaced Summer 2024
  • Relevant transport modes/ sectors Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Car parking Develop Kerbside and Parking Strategy and establish Controlled Parking Zones. Finalisation of strategy Adoption of Kerbside and Parking Strategy and development of action plan Winter 2022
    Car parking Re-prioritise kerbside space, to create more space for public transport, walking and cycling. To be defined through Kerbside and Parking Strategy To be defined through Kerbside and Parking Strategy Winter 2022
    Car parking Explore potential for establishing system of emissions-based parking charges Development and adopt banded parking and permit charges (depending on vehicle emissions*), for new and reviewed CPZs, and Council car parks.

    Percentage of controlled parking spaces with banded charges.
    100% Winter 2022
    Cycle parking Increase cycle-parking provision Cycle parking spaces installed (publicly available, excluding new developments)

    300% increase on current levels.


    Establish baseline cycle parking figures





    Winter 2022

    All Council staff travel inc business travel Number of ICE / private vehicle staff trips and mode split of travel to work (should be ahead of borough-wide target-66946849-12s).

    80% of trips by walking, cycling and public transport.

    reducing share of ICE vehicle trips in remaining 20% of trips.

    All Business travel planning: encourage employers to conduct travel surveys and review transport policies

    % of trips by public transport, walking, cycling amongst participants


    Fraction of private powered vehicle trips where vehicle has internal combustion engine

    80% of trips by public transport, walking, cycling amongst participants.

    reducing share of ICE vehicle trips in remaining 20% of trips amongst participants.

    Motorised road transport 20mph limits on residential roads Coverage of main non-residential streets. 100% coverage of an agreed network of appropriate streets. 2030
    Motorised road transport Electric vehicle charging Number of chargers vs number required for projected EV fleet size. >100% of required provision. 2030
    Cycling and walking Cycling and walking infrastructure: create new, and improve existing, cycle network and walking routes throughout the borough, including looking for resources to conduct a feasibility assessment for new strategic river crossings suitable for cyclists and pedestrians Proportion of aspirational cycle network completed (kms). 100% 2030
    Council vehicle fleet Convert fleet to ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicles) % vehicles that are EVs (prioritising larger fuel-consuming vehicles) 100% converted 2030
    Council's contracted fleet for Assisted School Travel Incorporate carbon neutral aspirations within School Travel Assistance service level agreement (SLA) New SLA incorporating carbon neutral aspirations 100% school travel plans (renewed 3 yearly) Winter 2021
  • Relevant scope Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Heat supply District heat networks: complete techno-economic feasibility studies and develop plans for commercialisation

    Clarity of commercial viability


    Investment in place

    Commercialisation stage underway, to be funded by BEIS' HNDU, or ESCO identified that will commit to commercialise the network(s). Apr-22
    Heat supply Pilot ground source heat pump ambient loop network in private sector housing subject to business case. Progress on project programme Install at least one pilot network subject to business case Dec-24
    Renewable electricity Solar Together: participate in London-wide scheme to support installation of solar panels on residential properties and any other similar initiatives Number and capacity of PV installations 100 installations, 150kW capacity Mar-22
  • Relevant scope Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Household waste Reduce waste % reduction of waste quantity/ household (baseline: 972kg municipal waste/household 2019-20) Aspirations: 632kg municipal waste/ household (35% reduction) 2030
    Household waste Increase recycling % household recycling rate (baseline 33.2% 2019-20) Aspirations: 70% recycling rate 2030
    Local food and food waste reduction Work with organisations across the borough to procure and operate within the Good Food in Greenwich guidelines; promoting sustainable, healthy and affordable food and food waste reduction Food environments KPIs re GFiG charters (coverage based)

    Support 25 settings to implement the Good Food in Greenwich Charter


    Engage 30 new partners annually to be part of the GFiG partnership


    Support 20 settings annually to make GFiG pledges.

    Annual target-66946849-16
    Food waste reduction Track use of surplus food by the Greenwich Food Action Alliance Weight of surplus food.
    Number of food alliance members.
    To be confirmed when accurate data is available (expected in late 2021) Annual
  • Relevant scope Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Parks maintenance Reduce parks emissions - via transfer to battery-operated hand tools from 2-stroke hand tools % of hand tools that are battery-operated 100% of hand tools are electric by 2030 and 25% of hand tools are electric by 2023 2030
    Tree planting Tree planting Number of trees planted from Nov 2021 300+ new trees Winter 2022
    Biodiversity enhancement Conservation Grass Programme

    Hectares of conservation grassland


    (During 2021 we have introduced new conservation grass areas into 16 large parks and now have 26 park/cemetery conservation grass areas that equates to approximately 35% -40% of the RBG parks green space)

    Accurately measure area of parks and cemetery spaces maintained as conservation grass areas and fine tune maintenance regime to ensure enough space for recreation


    Review RBG housing estates maintenance programs to identify opportunities for new conservation areas on estates

    Spring 2022









    Spring 2023

    Green waste as mulch The Council's green waste will be managed and returned to the soil as mulch

    Tonnes of green waste returned to the soil.


    It has been estimated from previous years green waste that Parks recycles approx. 500 tonnes of green waste annually

    Introduction of a fob system to record the number of vehicles in and out of Holbrook Yard to get a more accurate measurement of the green waste recycled to ensure that Parks complies with the Environment Agency exemptions. December 2021
  • Relevant scope Action Measure of progress Target Target date
    Council Pension Fund investment

    Transition from fossil fuels to sustainable investments



    Partner with other London Boroughs through the LCIV to create new sustainable investments


    Measure the carbon footprint of fund and develop reporting in line with the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

    Investment in impact investment such as renewable infrastructure


    Officers to participate in seed investor group meetings to set up a low carbon equity fund


    Report to the Pension Fund Investment and Administration Panel on initial engagement with investment managers and other providers regarding carbon foot printing

    Fully invest £42.5m within the LCIV Renewable Infrastructure Fund


    Launch LCIV low carbon equity fund





    Appoint a provider to measure the carbon footprint of the fund

    Dec 2027





    Jul 2022






    Dec 2022

    Council procurement Integrate low carbon criteria into Council procurement and achievement of social value Low carbon criteria reported as part of the overall social value highlight report Low carbon criteria reported as part of the overall social value highlight report Autumn 2021
    Council funding models Develop innovative funding models to support carbon reduction - creating incentives for actions and taking account of whole life cost

    Funding routes/models will need to be considered on a project by project basis.


    Also, Finance is liaising with colleagues across London to review green finance opportunities.

    Funding routes/models will need to be considered and reported on a project by project basis. Ongoing
    Climate change communication with schools Items on best practice and carbon neutral funding opportunities are shared through the School's e-bulletin Number of initiatives and best practice shared through the e-bulletin 1 item per quarter within the Schools e-bulletin Ongoing
    Management of Children's Services buildings Incorporate carbon neutral aspirations within the development of the CS Property Strategy and Asset Management Plan. Draft CS Strategy and Plan Development of CS Strategy and Plan Spring 2022
    Integration of climate change education and building management in schools Review of opportunity to include carbon neutral training within the Schools Direct Offer (to support the school curriculum and building management) Meeting taking place between Sustainability lead and Caroline Banin-Taylor to identify opportunities for training opportunities to include in the Schools Direct Offer Review of carbon neutral training opportunities Winter 2021
    Carbon reduction by small and medium enterprises Programme of business support for SMEs to reduce carbon emissions. No. of businesses engaged and adopting carbon reduction measures A minimum of 150 Business Energy audits by March 2022 Spring 2023
    Low carbon technology skills development Retrofit employment and skills brokerage to match contractors' needs to re-training opportunities and match unemployed residents to jobs/ apprenticeships. No. of residents trained in green skills
    Destinations Tracking

    To deliver 2 pilot training cohorts up to 30 over the summer 2021

    Support 70% into onward employment, training or further learning

    Spring 2023
    Low carbon job creation Develop a job creation scheme providing 6 month placements with training or apprenticeships to support the Low Carbon
    Advice service/retrofit programme
    No. of BEC Recruited

    Recruit up to 4 Kickstart funding Business Energy Champions by August 2021

    A minimum of 150 Business Energy audits

    Spring 2023
    Green technology research and development Work with HE partners to explore potential for an R&D Innovation hub to promote knowledge transfer/ business start-up around green technology. Established KTP - Steering group/governance in place Establish 1 KTP project working with 5 identified SMEs in the borough Summer 2022
    Local food growing Promote and support community food growing opportunities across the borough. Activities to support new food growing.

    Support 10 community based organisations to develop food growing sites.

    Deliver 4 structured 4-week food growing training sessions per year.

    Annual target
    Sustainable food Move from RBG as a bronze level 'Sustainable Food Place' to silver level Level achieved Achievement of silver Winter 2021/22
    Local food growing Promote and support food growing opportunities in educational settings - children's centres/schools Number of children's centres supporting growing/gardening opportunities.
    Number of schools engaged in the Food for Life accreditation programme.
    Number of schools adopting the Good Food in Greenwich schools' model.

    All children's centres supporting growing/gardening.

    Ten schools with bronze level FFL.
    New Good Food in Greenwich model developing - target to be agreed.

    Annual target
    Engagement in tackling climate change of organisations across the borough Develop Carbon Neutral Commitment through partner organisations Number of organisations with pledges/commitments 10 by March 2022 Annual target to be set