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Benefit calculator

You can use our online calculator to help you find out:

  • what benefits you could claim and how
  • how much you could get and how your income could affect this
  • what other financial support may be available to you
  • if you could save money on things like bills

Calculate your benefit amount

To get an accurate calculation, you will need to enter information about your:

  • household income from payslips
  • existing benefits or pensions and those of anyone living with you
  • regular payments you make such as rent, mortgage, and childcare
  • council tax
  • savings

The more accurate the details you enter, the better your benefit and budget calculation will be.

Go to the benefit calculator

Help with budgeting

Once you have completed the benefit calculation, you can then create a budget. This will help you see all of the expenditures in your household. This can help you plan to pay off any debt you owe and see how much benefit and income you have left.

You will need to enter information about:

  • your debts – what they’re for and how much you owe
  • what you spend each month on things like transport, food and clothing
  • how much you think you could pay back each month towards the debts.

Include all your debts when putting together your budget. Some expenses and debts are more important so you should prioritise these.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would prefer to talk to an adviser, please call our public advice line 020 8921 6375. Alternatively, you can send an online query to us.

You can also get advice from an independent debt adviser through the Money Adviser Network.

Contact the Welfare Rights Service.

Additional financial support