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Appeal or re-evaluate an animal welfare licence

Appeal against a star rating

If you are a licence holder who disagrees with the star rating awarded, you can appeal against this decision.

We encourage you to first discuss it with the inspecting officer so they can explain how we worked out the rating. This may help resolve the matter without the need to lodge an appeal. These discussions are not part of the formal appeal process and do not change the deadline within which you must lodge an appeal.

Make a formal appeal

You must submit a formal appeal to us within 21 days of the licence being issued.

We then have 21 days from the date we receive the appeal to consider it. Once we have made a decision, we will notify you.

You can make an appeal by post or email to the Licensing Team.

What happens next

We determine the outcome of an appeal by considering the inspection paperwork and past record of the business.

In some circumstances, we may make a further site visit. You will need to pay any costs related to additional inspections due to an appeal unless it results in a higher rating.

If you believe we have not delivered our service properly, you can follow the council's complaints procedure. This includes taking the matter to the Local Government Ombudsman where appropriate.

Read more about the animal licence appeals process

Re-evaluate a star rating

If you accept the star rating we have awarded you but wish to be re-assessed, you can request for a re-evaluation. This might happen if you’ve made improvements after discussion with the inspecting officer.

Submit your request in writing, along with any supporting documentation.

We charge a fee of £290.04 to cover our administration and inspection costs.

We will re-inspect the premises and commission a new report. Where appropriate, we will award a new star rating which may result in an extension in the licence period if the higher star rating allows for it.

However, if your licence is due for renewal, it may be cheaper to wait until you submit your licence renewal application instead of seeking a re-evaluation.

If you disagree with the outcome of the re-evaluation, you can challenge it through judicial review or the council's complaints procedure.

Appeals against a decision to refuse or revoke a licence

If we revoke or refuse to grant or renew an animal welfare licence, you can appeal the decision to the First-Tier Tribunal.

You must do this within 28 days of receipt of our notice of decision. Find out how to make the appeal (GOV.UK)