We're looking for community spirited people to join our team of champions and help share key information and advice about health and wellbeing in Greenwich.
We want to reach as many people as possible across the borough by sharing accurate and up to date information we need your help to do this!
What's it about
Initially set up us as a partnership between the Council and the NHS to share information about COVID-19, Community Champions welcome volunteers from across the borough to share key information with friends, family and local community networks about health and wellbeing issues, local activities and support.
What it takes to be a Community Champion
We know that communities working together is one of the best ways to help everyone's health and wellbeing, and we know that you, as Royal Greenwich residents, care about your community.
As a Community Champion, you will receive up to date health and wellbeing advice and information, sent by the Council and the local NHS via email or WhatsApp, to share with friends, family and community networks. You'll also be encouraged to share any issues or concerns raised at local level.
Anyone can become a Community Champion and we welcome people from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, faiths, ages and interests to reflect the diversity of the borough. Please note, you would have to be aged 18 or over to become a Community Champion.
Training and webinars will be provided.
How to sign up to become a Community Champion
Register to be a Community Champion
Once your details have been logged we'll contact you with further information.
Email: community-champions@royalgreenwich.gov.uk
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