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Aids and adaptations for the home

Simple items, such as grab rails and raised toilet seats, can play a significant role in helping to maintain independence.

Transforming Community Equipment Services (TCES) is a support service that aims to change the way that disabled and older people receive simple aids to help with daily living.

The service is a joint initiative between the Royal Borough of Greenwich and NHS Greenwich.

What is a simple aid?

A simple aid is a piece of equipment that helps an individual to manage everyday tasks at home, such as eating, getting out of bed or visiting the toilet, which will increase their independence.

Examples of simple aids include:

  • grab rails at the front door
  • a bathroom aid to help with getting in and out of the bath
  • raised toilet seats to assist those with restricted mobility.

How do I get a simple aid?

If you or someone you care for needs a simple aid to help with household tasks, there are two ways you can arrange this:

  1. If you are eligible to receive a simple aid, you can get a prescription following an assessment by a practitioner and exchange it for a simple aid at an accredited retail outlet
  2. You can buy the simple aid you need direct from one of the accredited retail outlets across Royal Greenwich.

How do I get a prescription?

To receive a prescription that will entitle you to a simple aid, you will need to be assessed by an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, district nurse or hospital nurse. If you are then deemed eligible to receive a prescription, you will be issued with one.

What do I do with the prescription?

If you are given a prescription, you or a friend or family member can take it to one of the accredited retail outlets in the Royal Borough and exchange the prescription for the simple aid that you have been prescribed. In some instances, the retailer can also arrange delivery and fitting if considered necessary by your assessor.

At the shop, you will also have the choice of choosing a different product to the one that you have been prescribed - as long as it does the same job. You will only need to pay the difference in the cost of the items.

More complex equipment

The procedure for more complex items is that the client will be assessed by a clinician, such as an occupational therapist, district nurse or hospital nurse. The equipment required will then be delivered by the equipment provider.

Find out more about occupational therapy.

Changes you can make to your home

There are changes you can make or things you can buy that can help with common tasks around the home. 

We have some recommendations Occupational Therapists often make.

View ideas that can help around the home