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Types of parking restriction

Parking places in controlled parking zones are marked out as boxes with broken parallel white lines.

Roadside signs are displayed at every entry point into the zone. They display the hours when parking control is in force.

The places may be free, restricted, reserved for permit holders, pay and display, meter parking or a combination. Any yellow line separating these boxes is a loading gap where you can load and unload - unless the kerb markings or signs indicate otherwise.

Restricted parking zones

Restricted parking zones are areas where waiting, parking and loading restrictions apply but there are no yellow lines on the road or kerb. Boundary signs, and occasional reminder signs are used to explain the hours of restriction within the zone.

In the Royal Borough, Eltham High Street, Love Lane (Woolwich) and General Gordon Square (Woolwich) are all restricted parking zones.

Pay and display and meters

If you use parking meters or pay and display machines, you may park during the times indicated by displaying a valid ticket or paying the right meter fee.

You must pay for the full time you expect to stay. It's illegal to return and buy further time in the same parking space, for example, to avoid the maximum time shown on the meter. The 'no-return' limit is stated on the sign, or one hour, whichever is shorter.

Limited waiting areas

Drivers can park for 30 minutes, one hour or two hours, but no longer than the maximum time or outside the hours specified.

To extend your stay you cannot just park a little further down the street, you must move your vehicle to the other side of the road or a different road.