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Approved list of suppliers

Contractors and consultants are selected to tender for all Royal Borough of Greenwich properties repair, maintenance and construction projects through the government sponsored Constructionline database.

This means that the we no longer maintain our own approved list of contractors for that work.

Visit the Constructionline website

Do I have to register on an accredited database?

Legislation prevents us from insisting that a supplier is registered in an accredited database as a prerequisite for consideration for work opportunities. However, the Constructionline database offers potential advantages for suppliers seeking to extend their work in the public sector.

Sometimes, there may be reasons for not using an accredited supplier. These reasons will be considered on individual merit. Please see our contract standing orders document for more information.

Download the contract standing orders document

Where are the supplier databases?

Access to the Constructionline supplier databases is through a log-in process on the Constructionline website.

If you need help using their website, please contact Constructionline directly.

Register of Local Businesses Onboarding process

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has implemented a web base e-Tendering solution which is part of the London Tender portal to run various procurement exercises as set out in the Public Contracts Regulation 2015 and the Council’s Standing Orders.

This solution supports different types of procurements including electronic request for quotation (i.e. for contracts value under £100k). The solution also supports the opening and evaluation of tenders whilst providing a robust audit trail.

In line with the Council’s objective to support Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations by providing more opportunities to bid for Council Contracts, we are inviting Local businesses to register on the portal and to complete an On-boarding form.

This form will be used to create an online register of local businesses which Royal Greenwich Officers will in the first place look for potential suppliers when seeking quotations (i.e. below £100k). The online list will also be used to support our goals of delivering social value from our low value procurement spend.

If your company is a locally registered business, we invite you to join in this on-boarding exercise.

To be added to the list, please complete the following actions:

Businesses, which have already registered on the London Tenders portal, only need to complete the attached Form and return to the email address stated above.

When the completed form is received, officers at the Royal Borough will check your registration on the portal and then on-board those which have met the criteria into a ‘Greenwich’ only area within the portal. For organisations whose main area of business is in recruitment, those will be considered by the recruitment team. An email will then be sent out to confirm that you have been approved for on-boarding of your business.

Please note that this process does not guarantee an award of a contract. Each requirement will be assessed based on the criteria set at the time of requesting the quote or tender.