Progress so far

Engaging with residents  

The project is a big investment in Woolwich with great potential to enhance the town centre with new public facilities, homes and job opportunities. To make sure the new development fits well into the existing community, we’ve asked you to contribute to our developing plans for the project along the way. People’s feedback has been used to inform the design process.

Read the results of the consultation.

What you've told us already 

In 2019, more than 2,300 people responded to our public consultation to tell us what they thought of the plans for the new leisure centre.  

The feedback was overwhelmingly supportive of moving the leisure centre to Woolwich Town Centre and highlighted the need for it to include  community spaces alongside the leisure facilities. 

Three designs were presented to Cabinet in April 2019, reflecting the feedback from the consultation. The project team were asked to develop two of the proposed options. Read section 7 of the April 2019 Cabinet report for more details about the designs.  

In January 2020, Cabinet chose their preferred design and asked the project team to find a contractor to build the centre. Cabinet also agreed that the design and planning work should progress to include the refurbishment of the Tramshed building (home of the Tramshed Theatre) and the residential development. This involved  selecting a residential developer to work with the Council.

Read the January 2020 Cabinet report.