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You will need to make a full plans application if you wish to:

  • do work to a building which isn't a single family dwelling house
  • erect a building fronting a private street
  • construct over or within three metres of a public sewer
  • do work to an office, shop, school, flats/HMO with communal areas, place of worship, etc.

We advise you not start any notifieable work before we have considered your application.

For smaller building works that aren't complicated, you can submit a building notice. This could be a through room, chimney removal or drainage alteration.

If you think your works don't need a full plans application, contact Building Control. Incorrect applications may cause delays.

Download the building control guidance notes and fees table

Make an online application

Make an online application

Download a full plans application form

If you do not wish to make an online application, you can download and send us the completed form.

Download a full plans form and make an application

Read the full plans checklist to help with completing the application

What happens after you've made an application

We will assess the plans and issue you with a decision. When work starts on the site, we will make site inspections as the work proceeds.

As long as the work is carried out as shown on the approved plans, you'll be likely to meet the regulations.

Re-submission and queries

If your plans have been rejected due to incorrect information, you can re-submit an application with the corrected plans for free as long as the plans have not changed. We'll let you know about any unclear points in enough time for you to resolve them and gain approval.

If you make amendments as work proceeds, you may be asked to submit revised as-built plans on completion. 

If you change dutyholders

If you change your client, builder or designer during the work, you will need to provide the details of the new dutyholder.

Download the change of dutyholder notice and complete the relevant section

Completion notice

When the work is complete, you will need to send us a completion notice.