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If you are experiencing domestic abuse you are advised to contact the police to report any incidents. 

If you are fleeing your home due to abuse, violence or threatening behaviour, you are advised to approach any local authority where you feel safe.

Housing options

There are different housing options available depending on your situation, for example, if you live with your abuser or you live alone.

Emergency housing

If you can’t remain in your home because you are at risk of domestic abuse, you can apply to any local council for homelessness support.

To get information about emergency housing, you can either:

Contact us online

If you're a council tenant

Contact your tenancy officer. They'll talk to you about your options and help you agree a plan of action.

They can also help you to arrange temporary accommodation if necessary or give you advice on making your home more secure.

Don't make any big decisions such as giving up your tenancy until you've had advice.

Moving to a refuge

Refuges can provide somewhere safe for you and your children to stay.

You can often get a place on the day you call, but you can't usually book a place for a future date.

If you are not safe in the immediate area where you live, you may need to go to a refuge in a different area.

To find a place in a refuge contact Greenwich Domestic Violence and Abuse Services (GDVA) on 020 8317 8273.

You can also call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Staying with family and friends

This may be a safe option and could give you some support.

It is possible that your abuser could guess where you are, and this may only be a short-term solution.

Making your home more secure

GDVA runs the Sanctuary Scheme and the scheme helps you to remain in your own home by installing additional security.

The scheme can change locks, provide window alarms, fireproof letterboxes, and personal alarms, amongst other things. 

Specific security measures are assessed on a case by case basis. 

You can self-refer for this scheme by contacting the GDVA on 020 8317 8273

The housing charity Shelter also provides advice on taking steps to make your home safer.


Revive is a project by Homefinder UK that focuses on relocating domestic abuse survivors to permanent social housing, in a new and safe environment in a different part of the country.

If you would like to know more about this service, contact or call 020 3823 1072.

Housing rights

For free information on your housing rights, contact Greenwich Housing Rights.

To read our Housing Domestic Abuse Policy, click here 

If you require more housing advice, please contact our Housing Inclusion Service on 020 8921 2863.

Helpful contacts


GDVA is the main source of free help and information for people who live in the borough and are experiencing domestic abuse. Funded by the Council, GDVA can provide you with services including:

  • advice and support
  • refuge accommodation
  • child support.

Call the GDVA helpline: 020 8317 8273 or email:

Her Centre

The Her Centre is small local women's charity based in Greenwich, providing services to women and girls in Greenwich, Bexley and Lewisham.

Her Centre contact: 020 8854 5702 or email: 

One Stop Shop

The Her Centre holds weekly drop-in sessions at the One Stop Shop every Friday, from 10am to 12pm at Woolwich YMCA, SE18 5PQ.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline 

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is a 24-hour freephone service available on 0808 2000 247. They can offer advice and support to access a refuge.

More helpful contacts