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Make sure you have insurance

Always make sure that you are adequately insured in case of unexpected emergencies.

Council tenants

Contact the emergency repairs centre on 020 8921 8900.

Housing Associations tenants

Housing Associations will repair the buildings they own, you should contact them directly. Check whether you need to insure personal possessions yourself.

Private tenants

If you live in a privately-rented homes, check agreements for property repairs with your landlord or agent.


If you need to arrange repairs, stick to established firms with good reputations. Read our advice on finding a reliable trader.

Decide now which firms you would use in an emergency and make a note of their number with details of your insurance.

The Council has also produced a Preparing for Emergencies booklet which you can download and to which you can add these contact details, as well as having a ready source of advice and guidance.

View the residents' emergency planning guide