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Identify damp, mould and condensation

It can be hard to tell if you have damp or mould, or know what to do if you do have it. 

This section will help you to: 

  • work out if you have damp or mould, and what kind it is 
  • get rid of it yourself 
  • reduce the chance of it coming back 
  • stop it getting worse

Condensation and mould

Condensation happens when warm or moist air touches a cold surface; for example, if you have a hot bath and the steam does not escape. Every home has some condensation.

Condensation is particularly common in winter, when buildings are cold and windows are open less often so it is harder for moist air to escape.

If there is a lot of condensation or it happens repeatedly, it can settle and cause mould on walls or ceilings. Mould can also affect furniture, clothes and curtains. 

You can reduce the risk of mould by trying to prevent and reduce condensation. Learn more about how to reduce condensation.


If you can see patches of moisture with a 'tidemark' effect, this has probably been caused by damp rather than condensation.

Damp could be caused by rainwater damage or plumbing leaks.

Check your kitchen, bathroom and toilet areas to see if there are any obvious leaks. If it is safe to do so, have a look outside - if there are slates missing from the roof or cracked gutters or rainwater pipes, rain might be getting in through the gaps. 

If you notice damp, please report it to us and and we will investigate.  We can help you to fix any problems that might be causing damp in your home.

Examples of damp and mould

an example of damp on the wall of someone's home.

This is an example of what damp might look like in your home.

an example of black mould in someone's home.

This is an example of what mould might look like in your home.