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Traffic statistics

We gather statistics on website visits, for example number of pages viewed and length of visits, to understand how the site is being used. This helps us to improve the information and services we offer to you online.

In the table below you can see statistics for the previous year, with two measures being shown:

  • a page view is recorded each time a particular webpage is loaded from any machine by any user
  • 'unique users' refers to the number of people on distinctly identifiable machines (computers) who visited the website during a month. As far as possible, repeat visits by the same machine are not counted.

Indexing agents such as search engine indexers are excluded from counts of page views and unique users.

Monthly traffic statistics for the previous year
Year Month Page Views Unique Users
2018 Oct 911,660 158,693
Sep 895,427 152,418
Aug 843,264 135,697
Jul 804,548 134,621
Jun 762,743 126,132
May 906,640 141,982
Apr 838,700 135,828
Mar 935,756 145,573
Feb 809,589 136,261
Jan 972,923 181,971
2017 Dec 776,361 177,493
Nov 944,282 204,984
Oct 1,024,734 217,536