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Availability statistics

The figures below show the percentage of time the Royal Borough of Greenwich website has been available each month. 

Monthly availability statistics for the previous year
Year Month Availability
2018 Oct 100%
Sep 99.98%
Aug 99.72%
Jul 99.24%
Jun 99.52%
May 99.78%
Apr 99.83%
Mar 99.84%
Feb 99.91%
Jan 99.87%
2017 Dec 99.20%
Nov 99.44%
Oct 99.41%


Availability: The amount of time the site has been available to visitors to Uptime is expressed as a percentage of the whole time available.

Planned downtime: At regular intervals the software packages that serve the website are updated and the site becomes temporarily unavailable for approximately 15 minutes whilst the updates are applied.