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Your annual statement

Benefit statements are sent to active fund members annually.

It is important that you check the membership details and the information shown on the statements as any inaccuracies may have affected the calculation of the benefits shown in the statement.

Download the guidance notes for the latest annual benefit statement

Check your details

If any of the details are incorrect, or if you have any queries regarding the statement, please contact the Pensions team.

The figures provided in annual benefit statements are for illustration purposes only.

The amount you receive on retirement may be different because of changes in your circumstances or the law. For example, changes to the scheme regulations or for any reason stated in the notes.

These estimated benefits therefore cannot be guaranteed, but an estimate will be sent on request if is required for a specific purpose or if you are within 12 months of retirement.

Pensionable pay

The Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) pensionable pay is based on the actual pensionable pay you received during 2015/2016. Overtime and additional hours are included in your CARE pensionable pay.

Total membership

Any part-time service prior to 1 April 2014 is counted at its actual length. For example, if you work for eight years at half time you would be credited with four years' membership.

It will include any periods of transferred membership from another pension scheme where you have been notified that the transfer has been completed.

Additional membership or pension that is or has been purchased is also included in the calculation. The membership or pension is proportioned if the contract has not been completed.

Multiple employments

If you have more than one job on which you pay pension contributions, you may receive an additional benefit statement.

Additional voluntary contributions (AVC)

If you pay, or have paid, additional voluntary contributions through our in-house scheme, statements showing the value of your fund are issued separately.