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Online sign language interpretation services

You can call the Royal Borough of Greenwich using SignVideo Web Access, an online interpreting service, from home, for free.

  1. Press the 'Call Royal Borough of Greenwich with SignVideo now' button and connect to a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter through webcam.
  2. Ask for the department you need and the interpreter will speak to our Contact Centre staff, who will put the call through.

The service is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Call Royal Borough of Greenwich with SignVideo now

Watch SignVideo instructions

SignVideo Live from SignVideo on Vimeo.

If this is your first time using the service, you will need to download a Plug-in for your browser. The Plug-in enables good video quality and makes calls secure. Please follow instructions available once you are connected to the web access page.

System requirements

Before using SignVideo BSL Live, please ensure you meet the basic requirements:

  • PC with a webcam
  • Latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari
  • Minimum bandwidth of 256 kbps (upload and download).

SignVideo phones at service centres

You can use the SignVideo service at The Woolwich Centre for face to face conversations with Royal Borough staff and for making telephone calls to speak to various council departments if you do not have a webcam and internet service at home.

You can use a refurbished, dedicated room to make your SignVideo calls. This will give you more privacy as well as improve the clarity of your calls.

To use the facility, please go to the main reception desk when you arrive. Our reception staff have been trained in basic BSL and will be able to welcome you.

We'll show you the dedicated SignVideo room. A member of the team will be with you, and be able to speak to the BSL interpreter about the service you require assistance or support with.


For troubleshooting and technical guidance, please contact or call 03333 447 712.

SignVideo provides BSL interpreters. If you are a non-native user of BSL they will assist as far as they can, but an appointment for a face-to-face interpreter may need to be made if you are not able to easily communicate with each other.