What to expect at the ceremony

All ceremonies are held at the Woolwich Town Hall.

As this is a formal occasion, we ask that you dress appropriately.

When you arrive, you will need to show your invitation letter and photo ID (such as a passport, driver’s licence or biometric card) as part of your pre-ceremony registration.

Our citizenship ceremonies take about an hour. It will be led by a dignitary and the Superintendent Registrar.

The oath and pledge

All new citizens need to:

  • swear or affirm an oath of allegiance to the crown
  • make a pledge to uphold the laws and values of the country

If you are religious, you can swear to God. If you are not religious, you can choose to affirm the oath. You must let us know which one you decide during the pre-ceremony registration.

Your oath and pledge will be included in your invitation pack.

Closing the ceremony

Once you have made your oath and pledge, the dignitary will present you with your Naturalisation Certificate.

We have an official photographer who will photograph you receiving your Naturalisation Certificate. The photos can be purchased after the ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, we will play your national anthem, God Save The King. The words to the anthem will be included in your invitation pack.