After you’ve received your invitation letter

You must attend a ceremony within 3 months of getting your invitation letter.

You need to register your details first, then we'll contact you to tell you when the next ceremony will be available.

If you cannot attend within 3 months of getting your certificate, you can email the Home Office for an extension at

Register for a ceremony

Group ceremonies

We hold group citizenship ceremonies at 2pm every Thursday at the Woolwich Town Hall.

You should arrive by 1:15pm. If you arrive late, you will not be allowed to join the ceremony and need to arrange another date.

You can bring one guest with you to the ceremony.

Group citizenship ceremonies are free of charge.

Register your details

Once we have your details and Naturalisation Certificate, we will email you information on how to proceed with your citizenship ceremony.

Private ceremonies

You can pay for a private ceremony if you’d like to include more guests.

You can choose between a:

  • private citizenship ceremony with two guests (between 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday) – £165
  • private citizenship ceremony at the Edwardian Room with up to 36 guests (Monday to Thursday) – £264
  • private citizenship ceremony at the Edwardian Room with up to 36 guests (Friday and Saturday) – £374

Register your details

Once we have your details and Naturalisation Certificate, we will email you information on how to proceed with your citizenship ceremony.

If you would like advice on citizenship ceremonies, email us.

Contact the Royal Greenwich Register Office


Rescheduling your ceremony

If you cannot attend your ceremony, we can try to find a suitable date to reschedule it to.

This will still need to be within three months of the date of your invitation letter.

Contact the Royal Greenwich Register Office

Telephone: 020 8921 5015 / 020 8921 5016