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Who can arrange a burial

Anyone can buy a grave in Royal Greenwich but prices are considerably higher for non-residents.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has five cemeteries and one crematorium.

Find a cemetery or crematorium in Royal Greenwich

If you want to arrange a cremation, you need to contact Eltham crematorium.

You need to register a death before you arrange a burial.

Arrange an urgent burial

If you want to arrange an urgent burial (within 24 hours of death) for religious reasons, contact us to get a burial order without registration.

We will need the medical certificate cause of death before we can give you the burial order.

Arrange a burial

To arrange a burial, you need to be the grave owner (the person named on the deed as the owner of exclusive right of burial) or applicant and do both of the following:

  • buy a grave plot - if you don't already have one
  • select the type of burial you want

If the grave owner has passed away, the 'applicant' must sign on their behalf.

The cost of the burial depends on the type of burial. The fee is higher if you're a non-resident.

View a list of burial types and costs

The burial costs don't include use of the chapel.

Contact cemetery services for more details on how to arrange a burial.