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#AskGreenwich are virtual Q&A sessions, Danny Thorpe, Leader and Cabinet Member for Communications and Corporate Services hosts each session, joined by different Cabinet Members. 

Residents can find out information about Cabinet Member portfolios and their upcoming priorities. 

Spring 2020 sessions

#AskGreenwich 3 June 2020 

  • Denise Scott-McDonald: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills 
  • Cllr Chris Kirby: Finance and Resources

#AskGreenwich 10 June 2020

  • Cllr Sizwe James: Environment, Sustainability and Transport 
  • Cllr Sarah Merrill: Planning and Regeneration 
  • Cllr Anthony Okereke: Housing 

#AskGreenwich 24 June 2020

  • Cllr Adel Khaireh: Culture and Communities
  • Cllr Jackie Smith: Community Safety and Enforcement

#AskGreenwich 15 July 2020

  • Cllr Miranda Williams: Health and Adult Social Care 
  • Cllr Matt Morrow: Children and Young People 

Autumn 2020 sessions

#AskGreenwich 4 November -  Covid-19 special

  • Cllr Miranda Williams: Health and Adult Social Care  
  • Cllr Matt Morrow: Children and Young People 

#AskGreenwich 9 November

  • Cllr Adel Khaireh: Culture and Communities 
  • Cllr Jackie Smith: Community Safety and Enforcement 

#AskGreenwich 17 November

  • Denise Scott-McDonald: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills  
  • Cllr Chris Kirby: Finance and Resources 

#AskGreenwich 24 November 

  • Cllr Sizwe James: Environment, Sustainability and Transport  
  • Cllr Sarah Merrill: Planning and Regeneration 
  • Cllr Anthony Okereke: Housing   

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