Help support your community through the cost of living crisis by applying for a share of £150,000 Community Grant Funding
Charities, community groups and local businesses working on the frontline to support the most vulnerable residents can now apply for a cash boost through our Greenwich Supports Community Grant Fund.
Residents across the country are struggling to put food on the table, pay essential bills and manage housing repairs – Royal Greenwich is no exception.
We know that many vulnerable residents across the borough rely on support from community centres and local organisations that work directly to support through hardship.
To support the vital work local groups and community centres do, the Royal Borough of Greenwich has launched the Greenwich Supports Small Grants Community Fund.
Funding of up to £150,000 will be available for both large established groups and smaller organisations that might be emerging in response to the crisis. The grant that can be applied for is minimum of £100 and a maximum of £9,950, whether it is used to buy equipment, make repairs or support residents directly is dependent on the applicant.
Cllr Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Council said: “Inflation is at a multi-decade high and pushing low-income residents to the brink – more needs to be done to support as many people as we can. Through our cost of living campaign, Greenwich Supports, we made 12 pledges to take direct action to support residents across the borough.
“The £150,000 small grants fund will support community initiatives working directly with our residents, helping us put cash directly towards feeding, supporting and caring for our diverse communities.”
Cllr Adel Khaireh, Cabinet Member for Equality, Culture and Communities said: “The Council is extremely grateful to local organisations, charities and community groups that work throughout the year to support the most vulnerable people in our borough. As winter sets in this fund will allow us to give a little back, showing gratitude towards those who give so much to those in need.”
This funding can be used for, but not limited to:
Providing food to meet the needs of residents - including a focus on culturally appropriate food.
Buying equipment such as storage cupboards or refrigerators to support food projects within community spaces.
Starting community food buying options such as social supermarkets, community co-ops, community fruit and veg stalls and pantries.
Starting community fridge models.
Supporting households with household bills.
Supporting households to access warm clothes.
To apply for a grant visit royalgreenwich/greenwich-supports-funding22