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What is serious violence?

We have a duty to work with local services to share information to prevent and reduce serious violence in our borough.  

We define serious violence as any violence and exploitation affecting young people and adults, including: 

  • domestic abuse 
  • homicide 
  • grievous bodily harm (GBH) 
  • actual bodily harm 
  • rape 
  • assault by penetration 
  • sexual assault 
  • personal robbery 
  • threats to kill 
  • violence against property.

We work with: 

  • the police 
  • probation services 
  • youth offending teams 
  • fire and rescue services 
  • public health teams. 

We have published two documents that describe the picture across all types of violence in the borough and our plan for how we will address the issues. The documents are: 

What's in place already?

We already have a variety of services, organisations and best practice delivery models to reduce serious violence in the borough:

  • Critical Incident Community Response model
  • Safehaven Superhubs 
  • Safety improvements in local parks 
  • Anti-Knife Crime campaign  
  • Multi-agency approach to safety planning  
  • Capacity building projects 
  • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference 
  • Domestic Abuse Perpetrator project 
  • Commissioned Domestic Abuse services  
  • The Street Doctors project  
  • Identification and Referrals to Improve Safety (IRIS) project  
  • SHiFT 
  • The Turnaround Programme
  • The Creative Arts programme 
  • Pause 
  • SafeCORE
  • Walk and Talk 
  • Growing Against Violence (GAV) 
  • St Giles Trust mentoring programme  
  • Delivery of the Vanguard Model 
  • Your Choice project 
  • Constructive Resettlement  

Our assessment of serious violence and how we plan to prevent and reduce it

Making our borough safer