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Our objectives for preventing and reducing serious violence

Download our Serious Violence Strategy document

Based on our Strategic Needs Assessment, the local partnership has agreed to focus on the following areas over the next 12 months: 

  • Public health and adult services. 

  • Probation. 

  • Children's services.

  • Police. 

  • London Fire Brigade. 

  • Community safety. 

The objectives are to: 

  • prevent young people being drawn into serious violence as victims or perpetrators 

  • support young people already involved in serious violence 

  • prevent and stop serious violence using evidence-based approaches 

  • safeguard locations where there is risk of serious violence 

  • engage with communities to build trust in services' ability to respond to concerns 

  • ensure equal access to culturally relevant support and services 

  • ensure that front-line staff are confident in being able to identify and meet victims' needs. 

Read the objectives and delivery plan on pages 38 to 41 in the Serious Violence Strategy document

Engaging with the community 

We'll develop a Royal Greenwich Violence and Vulnerability Action Plan to deliver our strategy. 

This will involve engaging with local communities, including young people, the voluntary and community sector and local businesses. 

We have already spoken to: 

  • some residents 

  • specific community groups and organisations 

  • schools, colleges and Greenwich University 

  • governors from all 3 prisons in the borough. 

This has allowed us to gain a better understanding of residents' thoughts on serious violence in Royal Greenwich and how it impacts the community. We found that: 

  • 54% have never witnessed serious violence in their community, with 33% witnessing 1 to 4 incidents per month 

  • 36% are not impacted by serious violence incidents, 31% said they are impacted a little 

  • of those that witnessed serious violence incidents in the last 3 months, personal robbery was the most common 

  • 24% of people believe most serious violence takes place on the high street or town centre 

  • roughly 2 in 3 specifically mentioned police when asked what would make them feel safe.