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Licence holders, applications and decisions

You can find out about current licences and pending or dead licence applications in the Licensing Register, which is updated monthly, and the weekly Licensing Application lists.

The licensing register contains a summary of licensable activities. It also has information on major applications since 2005 and all other applications since June 2009.

You cannot comment on a licence that has already been issued, but in some cases you can request a review of a licence.

View licensing register

Outstanding applications

Licensed premises

Outstanding applications

The licensing applications documents are updated weekly and show all applications for new licences or changes - 'variations' - to existing licences. Variations usually involve extending licensing hours.

Applications for review

When we receive an application to review an existing licence, we will also publish the notice.

View all current review notices

Wedding venue licence applications and renewals

We publish notices for new wedding venue licence applications and renewals.

View all wedding venue licence notices

Who makes decisions on applications?

If there are no valid objections, the licensing department will grant the licence automatically.

If there are objections, the application goes to a hearing and the Licensing Sub-Committee decides whether or not to grant the licence.