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View the Thames Path route

The Thames Path provides a high-quality, traffic-free walking and cycling route for most of the length of the Thames throughout Royal Greenwich.

The Thames Path map on the Transport for London website

The National Cycle Network Route 1 (NCN1) is also waymarked along the Thames between Thamesmead and the Greenwich Foot Tunnel (see below). NCN1 connects Royal Greenwich to Dover in the south and to the Scottish Highlands in the north. The NCN ismanaged by the cycling and walking charity Sustrans.

Explore NCN Route 1 (Sustrans)

River crossings

Some bridges along the Thames Path may open for river vessels to pass through, for example, the Deptford Creek Swingbridge and Ha'Penny Hatch. Bridge openings stop pedestrian traffic for five to ten minutes.

There are also foot tunnels in Woolwich and Greenwich. These are usually open all day, but lifts or stairs may sometimes be closed for maintenance or cleaning.

You can also cross the river using the DLR at the following locations:

  • Woolwich Arsenal station to King George V station and beyond
  • Cutty Sark for Maritime Greenwich station to Island Gardens station and beyond

All DLR stations are step free and you are able to take your cycle on DLR trains except at peak times. Look at the Transport for London Cycles on Public Transport Map for detailed information about when you can take your cycle on a DLR train.

Cycles on Public Transport Map (Transport for London)