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Opening times and access

Status of foot tunnel lifts

Page last updated 25 July 2024

  • Greenwich Foot Tunnel (South) – in service from 31 May 2024
  • Greenwich Foot Tunnel (North) – in service from 20 June 2024
  • Woolwich Foot Tunnel (South) – in service from 12 June 2024
  • Woolwich Foot Tunnel (North) – out of service from 21 August 2022

We are aware of the ongoing issues with foot tunnel lifts. Even after the current issues are resolved, they remain vulnerable to further unpredictable faults, due to their historic nature.     

Please take care not to jam the lift doors, exceed lift capacity or repeatedly press the buttons. The most common cause of breakdown is the doors failing to close due to objects being in the way or users trying to force them open, for example, to let other passengers enter. 

The work on replacing the parts in both elevators and bringing the north passenger lift back into service has unfortunately been delayed. It is now expected to take place in 2024.

Plan alternative routes.

There are two foot tunnels in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, one in Greenwich and the other in Woolwich. About 1.5 million people use our foot tunnels each year (around 1.2 million in Greenwich and 300,000 in Woolwich).

  • Both foot tunnels are open 24 hours daily.
  • Bicycles or e-scooters should not be ridden in the tunnels.

Please note that in the event of either of the tunnels being closed, users may use the DLR at cost: During peak travel periods, however, cyclists may be denied access onto the DLR. Read more about crossing the river by bike.

Closures and maintenance

Any scheduled closures and maintenance of the foot tunnels or foot tunnel lifts are listed below.

Planned Essential Works description and forecast completion dates:

No planned works as of 25 July 2024

Wet cleaning

During wet cleaning, there is a fair amount of water present but the tunnel will remain open.

  • Greenwich Foot Tunnel - first Tuesday (followed by Wednesday) of each month from 8pm to 10pm
  • Woolwich Foot Tunnel - second Tuesday (followed by Wednesday) of each month from 8pm to 10pm

Location of the tunnels

The foot tunnels provide pedestrian links across the river at the following locations:

Alternative routes

In the event of lift or tunnel closures, tunnel users may wish to use the following alternative routes:

  • Woolwich - DLR between King George V and Woolwich Arsenal or Woolwich Ferry
  • Greenwich - DLR between Cutty Sark and Island Gardens.

Report a problem

For safety and security, CCTV monitoring is in operation throughout the tunnels, stairs and lifts. If there is an emergency requiring emergency services, please call 999.

Help points are provided within the tunnels. These are monitored 24 hours daily.

If you notice a fault when using either tunnel - such as a lift not working - please report it to us. We monitor these reports during normal working hours. If the problem needs urgent attention, for example, if there is a safety risk, please call 020 8854 8888.

Report a foot tunnel problem

History of the foot tunnels

Ever wondered how the foot tunnels came about?

Read about the history of the foot tunnels

The Greenwich Foot Tunnel - frequently asked questions

What is the most common cause of breakdown? 

The most common cause of breakdown is the doors failing to close due to objects being in the way or users trying to force them open, for example, to let other passengers enter. To help keep the lifts operating, please stand clear of the door once it has started to close. 

How long will it take to repair the lifts? 

The Greenwich foot tunnel lifts are listed structures that need specialist parts to work. Unfortunately, when these parts fail, replacements are no longer available and significant repairs need to be made to get the lifts running again. Additionally, detailed conservation plans must be developed and approved before any work can take place.

How often are the lifts available?

How often are the lifts available?

From 1 August 2023 to 25 July 2024, our lifts have been available for the following percentage of time:

  • Greenwich Foot Tunnel (South) – 75.21%
  • Greenwich Foot Tunnel (North) – 89.14%
  • Woolwich Foot Tunnel (South) – 60.49%
  • Woolwich Foot Tunnel (North) - 0%

Why don’t you keep the parts in stock? 

The lifts have thousands of individual parts and we cannot accurately predict which ones will fail. While some parts are available off-the-shelf, others are bespoke and need to be manufactured as one-off items. The cost of individual parts and the uncertain nature of how repairs might need to be adapted make it not financially viable to hold bespoke parts in stock. 

Who is responsible for the lifts? 

The Royal Borough of Greenwich and Tower Hamlets Council jointly own the lifts. We manage the lifts on behalf of both boroughs, taking responsibility for the day-to-day operations. 

Where can I get more information/updates? 

Updates will be posted on this webpage, and you can follow @royal_greenwich on Twitter for updates on closures and faults for both the Greenwich and Woolwich foot tunnels. 

Why don’t you replace the lifts rather than keep fixing them? 

Plans to ensure equal access and a better lift service for all tunnel users may include replacing them. It is anticipated that with conservation planning and bespoke parts, it would take two to three years to replace the lifts, so a repair plan is needed to keep them running. However, even when one problem is solved, the lifts are vulnerable to subsequent failures. 

What alternative routes are available between Greenwich and Island Gardens? 

The DLR runs a service between Cutty Sark station and Island Gardens. Travellers must pay a fare to use the service. Please visit to plan your journey. 

Can I still access the tunnel using the stairs? 

Yes, the tunnel remains open 24 hours per day for people who are able to use the stairs.