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Object to a licence application

You can comment on or object to an application for a new premises licence that is under consultation. This is called 'making a representation' under the Licensing Act 2003. You can also comment on or object to an application to vary an existing premises licence, for example, to extend the operating hours.

View a list of current licensing applications

If you're not happy with an existing licenses premises, you need to request a review of a premises licence.

Criteria for making an objection

Your representation must be based on one of the four licensing objectives, under the Act. These are:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • public safety
  • protection of children from harm.

You can make a representation in support or in opposition of an application, but in either case your representation must relate to at least one licensing objective. For example, you should state in what way the premises may contravene the objectives or in what way it may promote them.

Your representation must not be frivolous, vexatious or repetitious.

Read the residents guide of the premises licensing process for more information

How to make an objection

Please note - You must submit your objection before the last date for representations - this is stated on the list of current licensing applications.

Download a form and send your objection by email to or by post to:

Licensing department
Fourth floor
The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
Woolwich, SE18 6HQ

The Licensing Act 2003 requires all parties that wish to make a representation against an application, do so in writing and ensure their name and address are included in their written representation. This is to make it valid.

In exceptional cases, those making representation can request the Licensing Authority to withhold their details, but in any event the original written representation must contain the information required.

What happens next

A date will be set for a hearing within 20 working days of the representations deadline.

You'll be invited together with the applicant to attend the hearing and have the opportunity to make your point. A legal adviser and committee officer will attend.

You'll be informed of the committee's decision. If you're not happy with committee's decision, you can appeal.