Residential and nursing care reviews

If you move into residential or nursing care we will usually schedule a review to take place shortly after your move to make sure you are settling in well and are happy in your new home.

After this we will schedule a review to take place each year. This is called an annual review and is to make sure you are happy with your service or see if there are any changes needed.

This review is a good opportunity to tell us if:

  • your circumstances have changed
  • you are finding things more difficult and need more support
  • or you think you don't need as much support

It is also a good chance to tell us what you think is working and if there is anything that's not working.

Speak with the staff

During your stay in residential or nursing care you can also speak with the staff there, who will be able to help you with any difficulties you may be having.

It is important that you feel confident and able to speak up about your care needs.

Request an unplanned review

At any time during the course of your service you can call us to schedule a review.

You do not have to wait for your annual review.

This means that if you feel your service needs to change in any way you can contact the Contact Assessment Officers to request a review of your service.