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Junior Environment Champions

Junior Environment Champions

It's not only adults that can have a positive impact on the environment - our young residents can too!

Junior Environment Champions is the council's new environmental education and engagement programme for children of primary school age (5 – 11 years).

The programme is open to all primary schools in the borough and any organisation involved in child development such as after-school clubs, Cubs and Brownies.

The aim of Junior Environment Champions is to show children that their actions can make a big difference towards a more sustainable and cleaner environment.  With our support, they will learn about some of the key issues our environment is facing locally and globally, such as plastic in the ocean, reducing waste, water usage, recycling and litter.

We will support schools and groups by assisting with fun classroom activities and projects, loaning litter picking equipment or providing advice on some simple lifestyle change.

Wonderful activity packs for children are also available, with key fact sheets that show them how their behaviour can have a positive effect.

Please speak to member of the team for more information or advice about how to get involved.

Download our information leaflet

Download the activity packs


Contact us:
Junior Environment Champions
Telephone: 020 8921 5618

Junior Environment Champions