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Renew your Blue Badge

You'll need to renew your Blue Badge before it expires. The expiry date is on the front of your badge. 

The process to renew is the same as when you apply.  

You will need to pay £10 every time you renew. 

You'll only get a reminder by email from the Department for Transport (DfT) if you gave your email address in your application. You'll get this 3 months before your badge expires. 

Renew your Blue Badge 

You must not use your Blue Badge after the expiry date. You will get a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if you do. 

When to return your old badge 

You must send your old badge back to us when it expires or if you are no longer eligible to use it. 

You could be fined up to £1,000 if you use a Blue Badge you're not eligible for.