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Where your money goes 2022/23

Where the Council gets its money (2022/23)

Government funding £169.2m
Council tax payers £143.1m
Total £312.3m

Where the Council spends its money (2022/23)

Borough services £277.6m
Greater London Authority (GLA)* £33.1m
Environment Agency (flood defence)** £0.2m
Other levies and special expenses £1.4m
Total £312.3m

*The council collects the GLA precept on behalf of the GLA from council tax payers. Find out more about the GLA precept.

**The Environment Agency has statutory responsibilities including the management of river defences and flooding and it generates part of its income through a local levy on boroughs. Find out more about the Environment Agency levy.

Services on which money is spent (2022/23)

Childrens Services £89.6m
Health and Adults £102.7m
Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills £3.7m
Communities and Environment £51.0m
Housing and Safer Communities £20.3m
Finance £10.3m
Precepts and other levies £34.7m
Total £312.3m

See a full breakdown of annual budgets

How government funding has changed

There is a national funding shortage for adult social care. Authorities have been able to charge an additional precept on their council tax of 10% for the period 2016/17 to 2022/23. We have our raised precept by 14% over this period. Find out more about the adult social care precept.