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Funding for your community project

How to write a funding application

Preparing to apply 

  • Know what your community’s needs are. Ask your community or do a survey or questionnaire. 
  • Get the right documents in place. Funders will always ask for: 
    • a constitution or other governing document for your organisation 
    • a set of accounts  
  • Make sure your organisation has the right policies in place. You are likely to need health and safety, safeguarding and public liability policies. 
  • Read the funder’s guidelines in full. Make sure you meet all their requirements and know when the application deadline is. 

Making your application 

  • Read all the questions and make sure you understand them. Highlight key words such as demonstrate, outline and show.  
  • If you are not confident reading and writing in English, ask someone who is more confident to help you. 
  • Structure your answers. Make sure you: 
    • answer the funder’s questions when describing the outcomes you want to achieve 
    • be clear who you benefit and the need for what you will do 
    • show a clear plan you will follow to achieve your outcomes 
    • set a clear budget.  
    • show how you will measure the impact of what you will do 
    • explain what success would look like 
  • Check your answers to make sure they are clear and answer the question. Read them aloud or have somebody check them for you. Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar. 
  • Make sure you meet the deadline. Set yourself a provisional deadline before the real deadline. Create a timeline to keep track of your progress.
  • If you need help, try to contact the funder. They will often have a team to help you with your application. 

Download this example funding bid questions template and documents checklist. It will help you prepare to write your application and check you have the documents you need.

Get help with a funding application

We support voluntary sector and charity groups looking to secure funding. 

You can contact the Community and Business Development team:  

We can also give one-to-one advice to small organisations. 

If you are a business looking for funding, contact our business support partners

If you are setting up a community organisation, contact METRO Greenwich Action for Voluntary Service (METRO GAVS) who can support you. 

Community grant finder

This is a database of grants, loans and other funding initiatives available in the UK.

It includes:

  • UK government grants 
  • local government grants 
  • corporate sponsors 
  • charitable trusts

It is free to use for small businesses and community groups. It also includes advice from experienced funding bid applicants.

Use the community grant finder

Other funding opportunities

National Lottery Community Fund  

The National Lottery Community Fund awards over £600m a year to communities across the UK. 

Find out more about the National Lottery Community Fund

London Community Foundation

London Community Foundation offers grants to projects that encourage involvement in community activities.

Find London Community Foundation grants

London Sport

London Sport provides information about funding for physical activity and sport in London.

Find funding opportunities with London Sport