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We aim not to fell healthy trees where possible.

We may consider removing a tree if it:

  • presents a significant risk to the public or property, for example following a storm
  • is dying or suffering from a disease

How we tell people about upcoming tree felling

Before a tree is felled, we will attach a Tree Felling Notice to it in advance. This will explain why we're removing it, any additional information such as consultations and plans for replanting.

The Tree Felling Notice includes: 

  • the location of the tree
  • tree species
  • start date, duration and time of works
  • tree reference notice
  • reasons for felling
  • if a tree assessment has been completed
  • if there's a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the tree and a TPO reference number if there is one
  • if it's in a conservation area 
  • if there's been a consultation