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Reporting an incident - employees information

Your employer has a legal requirement to report all accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences at work.

However, if your employer doesn't do this, you can report the incident to the Incident Contact Centre.

They particularly need to know about:

  • accidents resulting in over three days of injury (including non-working days)
  • any symptoms of diseases traditionally associated with work, known as occupational diseases
  • major injury to yourself or a colleague injured in the same incident
  • dangerous occurrences - such as explosions or collapse of scaffolding - which could have led to major injury.

The Incident Contact Centre will then forward the details to the appropriate enforcing authority.

Council policy

The Environmental Health and Trading Standards team have an enforcement and prosecution policy, to make sure the Council complies with legislation.

Read the enforcement policy

For further information, or if you are not sure who to contact, please contact Environmental Health - Residential.