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Housing health and safety rating system

We use the housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) to assess if there are any risks in your rented home. There are 29 categories of housing hazard that might be damaging to health and safety.

The housing hazards are broken down into different groups:

    • damp and mould growth
    • excess cold
    • excess heat
    • asbestos (and MMF)
    • biocides
    • carbon monoxide
    • lead
    • radiation
    • uncombusted fuel gas
    • volatile organic compounds.
    • crowding and space
    • entry by intruders
    • lighting
    • noise
    • Infection
    • domestic hygiene, pests and refuse
    • food safety
    • personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage
    • water supply for domestic purpose.
    • falls associated with baths
    • falls on the level
    • falls associated with stairs and steps
    • falls between levels
    • electrical hazards
    • fire hazards
    • hot surfaces and materials
    • collision and entrapment
    • explosions
    • ergonomics
    • structural collapse and failing elements.

Common hazards in Royal Greenwich

The most commonly found hazards in the Royal Borough are:

  • fire safety - especially in houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)
  • slips, trips and falls - caused by tripping hazards such as uneven surfaces, lack of handrails, or inadequate lighting of stairs.
  • damp and mould - often due to rising damp, damp caused by blocked gutters or condensation.
  • personal hygiene - caused by a lack of hot water or blocked toilets for example.
  • electrical hazards - due to electrics that don't meet current standards.
  • excess cold - mainly to do not having enough heating in a property.
  • food safety - this includes a lack of cooking and storage facilities or evidence of pests.
  • crowding and space - due to either overcrowding or a property that doesn't have enough amenities for the people in it.
  • entry by intruders - where a property doesn't have enough security or lighting.