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Looking after your home

As a council tenant with the Royal Borough of Greenwich, you are responsible for taking good care of the interior of your home. You can do this by: 

  • taking good care of the inside of your home, including fixtures and fittings 
  • reporting problems to us, especially if they are likely to hurt people or damage property 
  • allowing council employees or contractors into your home to do inspections and necessary fixes or improvements, including gas servicing 
  • getting our written consent before making any changes to your home; for example painting the exterior or installing an aerial or satellite dish 
  • not keeping paraffin, gas cylinders in your home, or any other substance that significantly increases the risk of fire or explosions 
  • making sure you get rid of any household waste such as unwanted furniture and fittings in a considerate way, rather than leaving it where it could block communal areas such as corridors and balconies 
  • being careful with any fixtures or fittings (including signs) in communal areas