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Repair timescales

When you report a problem to us, we will decide whether it is an emergency, urgent or non-urgent.

We deal with emergencies and urgent problems quicker than non-urgent problems.

Emergency problems

We aim to fix emergencies within two hours.  

Emergencies are: 

  • no drinking water supply
  • burst pipes with a leak you cannot stop 
  • blocked drains and toilets causing flooding 
  • complete power failure in your home 
  • dangerous structures, such as ceilings, walls and chimneys 
  • fire or storm damage to your property 
  • securing your property after a break-in 
  • enabling you to regain entry if you have lost your key 
  • lift breakdowns

If your emergency happens out-of-hours (for example, the middle of the night) and it is a very dangerous problem that could hurt people or damage property, we will try to respond within 2 hours, depending on the type of emergency it is. Usually we will come and make the situation safe. We will then fix it completely as soon as we can, depending on how urgent it is.

Urgent problems 

We aim to fix urgent problems within one to five working days. Urgent problems are: 

One working day 

  • unsafe power, lighting socket or electric fitting 
  • total loss of water supply 
  • loss of gas supply 
  • blocked flue to open fire or boiler 
  • loss of heating including hot water (1 November to 30 April) 
  • blocked or leaking toilet or toilet not flushing 
  • leaking water pipe, heating pipe, tank or cistern 
  • insecure or broken external window, door or lock 

Three working days 

  • partial loss of electricity 
  • blocked bath, basin or sink 
  • rotten timber flooring or stair tread 
  • loose or detached banister or handrail 
  • tap that cannot be turned on or off at all 
  • loss of heating including hot water (1 May to 31 October) 
  • partial loss of water supply

Five working days 

  • leaking roof 
  • door entry phone not working 
  • mechanical extractor fans not working 

Non-urgent problems 

We aim to fix all other problems within 20 working days.