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The Small is Beautiful scheme

Are you living in a two, three, four or five bedroom council property that is now too big for you?

The Small is Beautiful scheme can help you move to a smaller home and allow your property to be used to help another family in housing need.

Financial benefits to you

We will pay:

  • all your removal and disturbance costs
  • £350 for each room you give up.

Who qualifies?

You can apply if you:

  • need to downsize because you are under-occupying your council home by at least one bedroom and you are affected by the under-occupancy charge
  • are not affected by the under-occupancy charge but are willing to move to a home with at least two bedrooms less than you have now.

A second living room (or parlour) is counted as a bedroom.

Find out about the rules for bedroom allowance - housing bands and property size policies

How do I apply?

Please contact the Access and Allocations Service at

Know somebody who might want to move?

You can also contact the Access and Allocations Service if you know of any council tenants who might wish to move to smaller accommodation in the borough. These tenants may be:

  • in poor health
  • struggling to cope in their present home
  • elderly
  • keen to move nearer to friends, family or amenities.