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How we make a decision to sell

The process is summarised below, or you can download the full policy. 

Providing a contact

We'll write to you within five working days of a fully completed application to tell you the name and telephone number of the development officer dealing with your application.

Support for sale

We'll contact you within 28 days of providing a contact to let you know whether or not we support the sale of the land. We will explain how we have assessed your application against the eligibility criteria.

If we support the sale, you'll need to pay the £550+VAT fee before we can move onto the next step.


As soon as we receive payment we'll begin a 28 day consultation period.

We have a responsibility to consult with people who may be affected by the sale of Council-owned land. We'll ask local residents, housing officers responsible for the management of the estate, ward councillors for the area and the Cabinet Member to comment on the impact of the sale of the land. 

We'll write to you within seven working days of the close of consultation to update you on the progress of your application, and whether or not further information is required from you to justify the sale.

Valuation of the land

Once we have all the necessary information, we'll begin valuation of the land to work out the sale price, which we will need to agree with you before we can make a final decision to sell the land.

This can take up to three months.

Preparing the decision report

Once we agree the price of the land with you we will request authority to the sale from either a Chief Officer, the Leader of the Council or Cabinet.

We'll let you know when the decision is made.

Conveyancing - legally changing ownership

This will vary for each site, but will take a minimum of nine weeks from the date the report is agreed.

Our Legal Services team will contact your solicitors to complete the conveyancing process for the sale of the land. The development officer will remain your single point of contact until the sale is completed.