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Our Council and business community pledges

The Royal Borough of Greenwich aims to make our streets the cleanest in London - but we need your help!

This Charter recognises the very real contribution that businesses can make to our community and the environment.

Together we can make the Royal Borough of Greenwich a cleaner, tidier, safer place that we are all proud of.

This Business Community Charter sets out what the Council and businesses promise to do, to help keep our lovely borough stay shipshape at all times.

The Council pledges to... I/We pledge to...
Provide a reliable first class waste service with no hidden charges - Ensure our rubbish is collected by a licensed waste carrier service
- Ensure all collections are covered by a valid Transfer Note that includes a written description of the waste to enable anyone handling it to do so safely and appropriately
Sweep and clean all the town centres daily - Keep our premises clean and keep the area outside it clean and litter-free
- Only put waste out on collection days
Invest in new equipment to deep clean efficiently Remind our customers to bin litter from our business responsibly, and to dispose of their cigarette litter in bins provided
Undertake regular walkabouts in town centres and high streets to ensure environmental issues are logged and actioned Minimise our impact on the environment by:
- Reducing our business waste
- Recycle as much of our business waste as possible
- Ask customers if they require a bag
- Encourage customers to bin their litter responsibly
- Report environmental issues for action
Take enforcement action to get landowners to clean up untidy areas - Never fly-tip, dump waste and always maintain our business premises so that it looks presentable and welcoming to customers
- Encourage tenants living in flats above business shops to be more responsible when discarding unwanted items
- Encourage tenants to use the Council Service when discarding unwanted bulky items
Take swift action to tackle anti-social behaviour Report concerns about anti-social behaviour to Wardens
Always pay its staff a fair day's wage for a fair day's work by paying at least the London Living Wage Investigate how our business can support its workers by paying the London Living Wage