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Pension scheme administration

You can download the Royal Borough of Greenwich's statement of policy on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), our discretionary payments policy and communications statements.

Download the pension fund administration documents

If you are employed by another organisation, you will be required to contact them directly to obtain their specific policy.

If you are a member of the Teachers' Pension Scheme, further information can be found at the Teachers' Pensions website

Statement of policy

Although the Local Government Pension Scheme is a national scheme, there are some discretionary elements. Our statement of policy gives details of our policy in respect of discretions within the main scheme regulations.

Discretionary payments policy

Enhanced payments can be made to employees who volunteer to take early retirement or redundancy. The early termination discretionary payments policy statement provides information on our policy on payments following early termination of employment.

Communications statement

Our Communications Policy Statement sets out our strategy for communicating with LGPS members, members' representatives, prospective members and employing authorities.

Pension Fund Investment Panel

The Pension Fund Investment and Administration Panel is responsible for overseeing and scrutinising all matters associated with the management of our pension fund.

More information about the pension fund investment and administration panel

Abatement policy

The Royal Borough of Greenwich, in our role as an administering authority, have to publish a statement of policy regarding abatement of pensions following re-employment.

Its policy is to apply the previous abatement rules to all former employees who retire early, until they reach normal retirement age, irrespective of whether future employment is with the Royal Borough of Greenwich or any other local authority.

The earlier scheme regulations required that if a pensioner is re-employed in local government, the pension in payment is reduced or suspended if it, when added to the new earnings, is greater than the pay on retirement.