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Measuring how council housing services are doing

Council tenants can find out how the council is performing against housing service standards by downloading housing service performance reports.

Download housing service performance reports

The reports show:

  • the standards and timescales you should expect of us
  • whether we have met our targets.

We also mention what we require from our tenants to assist us in meeting these targets.

Service areas measured

The standards are split into five areas:

  • Tenant Involvement and Empowerment
  • Home
  • Tenancy
  • Neighbourhood and Community
  • Customer Services.

Landlords and tenants localised agreements

Regulation of the social housing sector is now undertaken by the Regulation Committee of the Homes and Communities Agency. The method of regulation is now less prescriptive with:

  • no routine inspections
  • more emphasis on localised agreements between landlords and tenants on service provision and performance measurement of those services.